When a firm uses numerous staffing vendors to deliver their workforce solutions, Wailea Systems delivers a Vendor Management System (VMS) to simplify the process. Our vendor management system (VMS) is a secure software-as-a-service (SaaS) program that delivers job requirements to vendor staffing firms, recruiters, consulting firms, and other specialized vendors.

The application monitoring, screening, interviewing, offer, and onboarding stages of the hiring process are made easier with our VMS staffing platform. With project level metrics, our VMS also provides labor time submission, approval, and payment.

Our VMS has everything you need to standardize workflows for major hiring procedures, provide metrics-based tracking, and reduce the time it takes to fill open positions. Key features of Wailea Systems VMS staffing technology include:

Standalone, vendor-neutral VMS

With centralized and non-biased vendor coordination, we manage third-party VMS staffing arrangements.

Our VMS is also available as part of our managed staffing solutions.

Our clients use our VMS to gain outstanding value while avoiding risk and burden, which is often structured under a primary and/or onsite vendor agreement. Let Wailea Systems explain how our technology can work for your firm and streamline your staffing vendor management difficulties if you’re interested in Vendor Management System staffing solutions.